Homily on the Fifth Sunday of Lent
This is the homily for March 21 2021
Whoever serves me must follow me, … the Father will honour whoever serves me.
Some Jews from Greece wanted to see Jesus. Longing to see Jesus, we can understand that desire. The prophet Jeremiah worded Gods plan in our reading today: I will place my law within them and write it upon their hearts. I will be their God. The Greeks want to see Jesus because they have God in their hearts.
We bear God in our hearts too, and long to see Him, follow Him. And we need to purify ourselves, that is why we sang with the words of psalm 50 Create in me a clean heart and a steadfast spirit renew within me. Just like Keith Green sang years ago. But perhaps you do not remember him. And we sing this desire for a clean heart, because Christ had become the source of eternal salvation for those that obey Him, the author of the letter to the Hebrews writes.
Yes, we need purification because we long to see Jesus. But our eyes are not always focused on Him. When our eyes are focused, they do not see Him, but they see ourselves and our problems smaller and bigger ones.
Together with the Jews from Greece that want to see Jesus, we can now hear his words: When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself. It is on the cross that we contemplate the Christ. The Greeks perhaps looked for a triumphant Christ. But the Lord prepares us and teaches that He saved the world not by his incarnation, but by his crucifixion. And who wants to live the life of a Christian and who wants a pure heart, must have his eyes focused on the crucified Jesus. He must fix his eyes on the cross.
And because no one knows us better than Jesus, He explains how. Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit.
We glorify our heavenly Father when we follow our Lord Jesus Christ. We take up the cross of every day. We persevere in our daily duties inspired by the love we have for God. We raise our children, we do our work, we honour our parents, we take care of all that need our attention and help. In this way, the name of the heavenly Father will be glorified united with Jesus Christ.
May we continue on our path of Lent in the co mpany of holy Mary and saint Joseph so that out lives may reflect the life of Jesus and all can see Jesus in us. Amen.